Fast and simple compliance for Businesses

Find what you need to do to achieve or maintain compliance for your business.

Businesses Start Here

There are different regulations and regulatory bodies that you need to deal with, depending on the kind of business you are. The images below will help you decide what regulation applies to your business.

Food Safety

If you are planning to produce, store or sell food and drink

Health and Safety

Looking after the health, safety and welfare of employees and others such as customers


Waste, pollution and nuisance avoidence & management

Building Regulations

Standards in construction, inspections, safety, planning permission and more

Employing People

Taking on staff to work for the business

HM Revenue & Customs

Tax and VAT

Fire Safety

Fire safety advice, risk assessments, FAQs and checklists on delivering fire safety


Controls and guides the use of land and the design of buildings

Trading Standards

All aspects of consumer protection, trading legislation and specific trading topics such as illicit alcohol and age related sales


Controls and licensing of business involved in wide range of activities including alcohol, gambling and entertainment

???? I’m confused so I am going to leave it till someone contacts me?

OK – but not the smartest move. In some areas you are held responsible the minute you set up your business. Its far better to be proactive and find out what is relevant to you and what you need to do, than to risk fines or your business having to close. If you are really confused then simply press ASK PHIL below and an agent will help you decide what to do next.

About Us

BBFA is a partnership between business and regulators promoting business growth and compliance. Looking for more general business advice with things like, registration, regulation, loans, grants, developing a business plan or other sources of help? Contact the Growth Hub.